This Sunday is the first Sunday in the Seasons of Creation where we will be focussing on Planet Earth. According to “National Geographic”, scientists estimate there to be around 8.7 million different species of plant and animal life in this world. What is remarkable is that they have only identified 1.2 million species so far! Each of these species lives within an eco-system that supports that particular form of life and the different eco-systems are linked together to make the earth teem with diversity. It’s a complex balance and, as we have found through our actions, easy to disrupt with dreadful consequences. The harm caused to one eco-system can have serious repercussions on others. Yet, when it works properly, we see that this planet is set up, not only to support life, but to allow it to flourish.

Our main reading today is from Genesis 1 which sets out the well-known story of the creation of earth and the bringing forth of life on it. However you understand this account, what is clear, is that the formation of the earth has been ordered in a particular way and life would not be possible if it had not happened like that. The planet began with the formation of the atmosphere, the sea and the land. Thereafter, once these were formed, life was possible with plants covering the land, fish in the sea, birds in the air and finally the emergence of animal life. It’s a logical progression of a habitat being formed that is capable of supporting life then the life itself emerging. Through this account, we are invited to see God as the creative force behind it all.

How often do we stop and think about how remarkable this planet actually is? Sure, when we are struck by a stunning view or a remarkable animal we may marvel at it momentarily, but what about really considering how complex and intertwined the systems of this planet are? As Christians we are encouraged to see this planet, with all its inter-twined and inter-dependent systems of life, not simply as evidence of God’s creative power but also of God’s great love for life. God doesn’t just care about the creation of life; God also cares about life being sustained and flourishing. That’s why all that is necessary for life to continue and thrive already exists on this planet. From the smallest insect to the largest mammal, the commonest weed to the rarest orchid, all life has a place to live and a purpose to give. All life contributes in some way to the whole and is dependent upon the whole and it is this we are encouraged to see as we marvel at God’s good creation.